Fruit Powders - Partially De-sugared & Carrier-FREE

Are you in search of premium fruit powders that redefine quality, health, and innovation? Look no further! At CPG Fusion, we're proud to present our exceptional line of Desugared & Carrier-Free Fruit Powders, meticulously crafted to transform your brands offerings.

Quick Overview

  • Nutrients & Fiber From Real Fruits

  • Carrier-Free

  • Desugared

  • Upcycled

  • Cost Affordable

Conventional & Organic Fruit Powders & Juice Concentrates

Maximize your product's potential with the winning combination of a captivating story, impressive functions, and attractive economics.


Embrace our Upcycled Fruit powders in your creations, and you're weaving a narrative of sustainability that resonates with eco-conscious consumers. Your brand becomes a part of a larger movement towards reducing food waste and fostering a circular economy.


Fruits and vegetables are nature's nutritional powerhouses, loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. By incorporating more of these treasures into our diets, we can unlock a world of vitality and wellness.


When it comes to crafting exceptional dietary supplements, every detail matters. At CPG Fusion, we've created Carrier-Free Fruit Powders that effortlessly blend with a wide range of supplement formulations, enriching your products with genuine fruit goodness and uncompromised nutritional value.

We are honored to collaborate with a wide spectrum of businesses within the CPG industry, empowering them with our expertise, premium ingredients, and innovative solutions to achieve success and excellence.